Tron is a 1982 Walt Disney Productions science fiction movie starring Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn (and his counterpart inside the electronic world, Clu), Bruce Boxleitner as Alan Bradley (and Tron), Cindy Morgan as Lora Baines(and Yori) and Dan Shor as Ram. more...
David Warner plays the villain, Ed Dillinger (and Sark), as well as providing the voice of the 'Master Control Program'. It was directed by Steven Lisberger. Being the first film from a major studio to use computer graphics extensively (developed by MAGI, Triple I, and others), Tron has a distinctive visual style.
Plot summary
Kevin Flynn is a young and gifted programmer who once worked for the software mega-corporation ENCOM. He created several games for ENCOM, but just before he was able to show his work to ENCOM's executives, his work was stolen by another programmer, Ed Dillinger. Dillinger locked Flynn out of the system and went on to present the games to the executives, thus earning himself a series of promotions. Meanwhile, Flynn quit ENCOM and was reduced to running a video game arcade, which ironically featured several of the games he created.
Several years later, Dillinger is now a senior executive of ENCOM, and the company is run mainly by the Master Control Program, an artificial intelligence that he created. The MCP, as it's called, catches one of Flynn's computer programs, Clu, attempting to hack into the mainframe and find sensitive information. It successfully destroys Clu and summons Dillinger to discuss the matter. Dillinger authorizes the MCP to shut down access to all personnel who had the same level of access as Flynn. This locks out a current ENCOM employee and a friend of Flynn, Alan Bradley.
Alan goes to speak with Dillinger about being locked out of the system, and in the process, he reveals that he is working on a security program named Tron, which he would use to monitor communications between ENCOM and outside systems. Dillinger dismisses him quickly, only to be confronted by the Master Control Program about Alan's project.
Meanwhile, Alan goes to speak with Lora, a laser lab technician and Flynn's former girlfriend. The two set off to Flynn's apartment to warn him that Dillinger knows about his hacking. After being convinced that Flynn is looking for evidence that he was cheated by Dillinger, Lora and Alan offer to sneak him into ENCOM's laser lab, where he can forge an access code for a different security group. This would allow him to find the information he is looking for, and would also allow Alan to finish his work and get Tron online.
Flynn settles down at Lora's lab terminal, which has a high-power laser used for her digitization experiments pointed right at it. As he tries to gain access to the system, he confronts the MCP. While he "chats" with the MCP, it takes control of the laser and suddenly digitizes Flynn into the digital world inside the computer. Within the system, programs are represented as characters who resemble their creators.