Toy Story
Toy Story is a computer-generated imagery (CGI) animation film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures and Buena Vista Distribution in the United States on November 21, 1995, and the United Kingdom on 22 March 1996. more...
Toy Story was the first feature-length completely computer-animated movie released by Disney, and also the first completely computer-animated feature in history. At least one earlier attempt to create a computer animated feature had been tried before Toy Story, the announced movie The Works, which was never finished. Toy Story was also Pixar's first feature to be released in theaters. It grossed U.S. $356,800,000 world-wide, making it the 65th highest-grossing movie in history (not adjusted for inflation). The primary characters are toys in the room of the six-year-old boy Andy, and is mostly told from their point of view. Andy, his baby sister Molly and mother have smaller roles, as do the neighbor boy Sid, his dog Scud and sister Hannah.
Before Pixar's entry into the feature film-business with Toy Story, Pixar was known for developing the Pixar Image Computer.
The main toy characters:
- Woody (voice Tom Hanks) - an old-fashioned sheriff rag doll. He is Andy's favorite toy, with a special spot on the bed, and as such is the leader of the toys.
- Buzz Lightyear (voice Tim Allen) - a Space Ranger from Star Command. A new plastic toy with electronic voice, spring loaded wings, laser (a blinking LED) and a rocket ship box. Buzz was a gift at Andy's birthday party.
- Mr. Potato Head (voice Don Rickles) - a Mr. Potato Head doll by Hasbro, Inc.
- Rex (voice Wallace Shawn) - a Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur toy with a lot of anxiety from an inferiority complex (afraid he is not scary enough).
- Slinky Dog (voice Jim Varney) - a wiener dog with a slinky abdomen. Very loyal to Woody.
- Hamm (voice John Ratzenberger) - a wise-cracking piggy bank.
- Bo Peep (voice Annie Potts) - a shepherdess doll, Woody's romantic interest.
- Sarge (voice R. Lee Ermey) - a gung-ho commander of an army of plastic toy soldiers. Sarge and his troops frequently help out their fellow toys.
Human characters:
- Andy (voice John Charles Morris) - owner of Woody and the rest of the toys
- Sid (voice Erik Von Detten) - a boy who delights in torturing toys; he wears a black shirt with a human skull on the front.
- Andy's Mom (voice Laurie Metcalf) - typical "soccer mom".
- Molly - Andy's baby sister.
- Hannah (voice Sarah Freeman) - Sid's little sister. Often gets her toys snatched away and tortured by Sid.
- Andrew Stanton
- writer
- Joss Whedon
- writer
- John Lasseter
- director
The movie starts with a meeting among the toys to discuss Andy's family's upcoming move. At the end of the meeting it is announced that today is Andy's birthday party. This results in pandemonium from the other toys. Everyone is afraid they will be replaced. Woody, of course, remains calm since he is Andy's favorite and expects to never be replaced by another favorite toy.